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Hawks Nest 1 Day Advanced Handgun School – 4/4/20

Course Overview

Our friends at Hawks Nest in Virginia are coming to PNTC and are offering a one day Advanced Handgun School for personal protection purposes.  Taught by Law Enforcement personnel course size will be limited to COVID-19 recommendations. This class is not beginner level, students are expected to possess proper safe gun handling skills.

On Site Registration begins at 9:15AM. Class will begins at 10:00am and ends at approximately 5:00pm.

Students will need a serviceable handgun, at least three magazines, magazine carrier, range appropriate holster (no cross draw, small of back or shoulder holsters), eye and ear protection and a minimum of 500 rounds of ammunition each. Cost is $350 per person This is a fast moving dynamic class you will enjoy!

PNTC has Ammo if you needed. Call ahead to buy your ammo if you need it. 304-229-4867

  • Students MUST agree to sign a PNTC waiver prior to the beginning of class. We will have waivers at our Headquarters building. You may also download our waiver from our website or call and request a waiver ahead of time.


  1. Please ensure that your firearm is UNLOADED and cased prior to arriving at PNTC. Please leave your training firearm cased and in your vehicle upon arrival. We will tell you when it’s time to get your firearm.
  2. Please do not bring a “concealed carry” firearm into the training room.  No ammunition or loaded firearms of any kind are permitted in the training room.
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